Saganer Straße 26
90475 Nürnberg

+49 (0)911 97911-0

Always one
step ahead!

Thanks to many years of innovation and commitment, we hold a variety of patents.

Our products are thought through to the end and that is what makes us successful. We have taken into consideration every scenario possible and came up with solutions for every single one.

Because we won't leave your safety to chance.

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Did you know that ...

our FIRESAFE II K90 ensures 100% oil and grease free passage
our LH-System is able to lower your energy costs for heating / cooling the outside air by 75%
our LH-System operates by the principle "fresh air after storm"
the airports in Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart put their trust in our technology

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Innovation is our

more than 20 years of experience and expertise

In our headquarter in Nuremberg we develop innovative concepts that are one step ahead on the market: during the development process we always test our products under the conditions of a real emergency.

Our solutions are thought out down to the last detail because we won't leave your safety to chance.


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by your side

We look forward to hear from you!

+49 (0) 911 97911-0   //  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.